Chronic Disease Programs

Our Subscriptions are available through an Individual or Practice Subscription. Individual Subscriptions – for GP’s, Nurses, Aboriginal Health Workers / Practitioners, Practice managers, Administration and Reception.

This subscription is suitable for professionals wanting the tools to help them excel in their current positions. Practice Subscriptions –suitable for all General Practices, Indigenous Health and Corporate Clinics.

Trust CDM Plus for an Excellent Chronic Disease Programs

Are you interested in our unique chronic disease programs? Turn to the professionals at CDM Plus. Our team offers a fantastic workshops and group training that covers the essential details are everything you need to know about chronic disease management.

Benefits of Our Chronic Disease Workshop

If you are in primary health care, there are numerous advantages to learning a chronic disease program. A few examples include:

  • Keep up to date: Learn the latest in chronic disease management with other health professionals in our workshops.
  • Team Building: your whole team needs to know about chronic disease management to deliver long term quality. Care. Don’t forget we also offer group training delivered onsite. Reach out for more information. 
  • Resources: We give our workshop attendees some great resources so you can take what you learnt back to your practice. Need more resources? Check out our practice resources. 

Common Mistakes Practices Make With a Chronic Disease Management

We work with lots of different sized practices all over Australia and some common challenges they face in delivering sustainable chronic disease management such as:

  • Systems and Processes: No formal documented system or process for the practice team to follow in regards to chronic disease management.
  • Technology: Using the clinical software efficiently staff training we believe the whole practice team needs to be more involved and training in Chronic Disease Management Systems and process should be part of induction.

About CDM Plus

The CDM Plus team is dedicated to providing health professionals with the skills and tools they need to better manage their chronic disease care. Our face to face training supplies you with up to date knowledge and resources you need to provide activity care. With years of experience, our trained professionals are here to assist you and address any questions or concerns.

For more information about one of our workshops, please reach out to us.

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