Our My Care Plan Refills allow you to build your own care plan based on your needs. My Care Plan Refills – Monthly Plan Booklets can help keep track of important appointments, set goals and priorities, track observations and mood, end of month reflections. If you need some help deciding which My Care Plan products is right for you or a loved one, please call CDM Plus on 1800 549 769 or email [email protected].
Your My Care Plan Refills – Monthly Plan Booklets have:
- 8 pages per month for compact storage
- Drill holes A4 landscape layout to fit in an A4 folder
- No dates so you can start at any time
- My Monthly Plan overview with goals to help view important dates
- My Observations view to record relevant information such as Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, Temperature, Weight, Blood Glucose Levels, Oxygen Levels, Peak Flow, Fluid Intake, Activity Minutes and Mood for simple viewing each month
- 5 x weekly overviews to help map priorities and tasks each week to help reach your goals
- A Monthly Summary that allows time to review goals and achievements, end of month reflections and a summary which can be helpful for health care providers to review