Health Promotion

Helping practices create healthier communities.

Health Promotion in primary care aims to improve patient outcomes by empowering individuals and communities with the tools, knowledge, and support needed to make healthier lifestyle choices. By addressing risk factors, encouraging preventive measures, and fostering proactive health management, health promotion programs play a crucial role in reducing the burden of chronic diseases and enhancing quality of life. Our Health Promotion Boxes have everything you need, which means your teams can focus on the Health Promotion activities with patients and not spending hours trying to find the resources you need.

General Practices and Aboriginal Medical Services can focus on Health Promotion through funded activities including:
Health Assessments – most patients will be eligible for at least one Health Assessment each year including First Nations, Time-Tiered, and Heart Health Assessments.
Care Plans and Reviews – many patients with a chronic condition are at risk of other chronic conditions
Other Medicare Item Numbers – patients at risk may need further screening activities completed including Spirometry, Skin Checks, and Follow up Consultation item numbers
Practice Incentives for Quality Improvement – Health Promotion can become part of your Quality Improvement activities and our resources support a Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) cycle

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